
Mobile Crisis response in rural communities
Missi led the mental health crisis team in Union Co., Oregon for 3 years. Applying the same skills used in investigative work, relationships with community partners and a preventative approach, we were able to reduce psychiatric hospitalizations, and assessments in the jail and ED's by nearly 100%.
$20,000.00 training including travel fees and follow up.

Attachment styles and work place morale
This training takes a psychological approach to developing skilled leaders in improving workplace morale.
$20,000.00 training including travel fees and follow up.

PTSD and investigative work
This training is a personal case study that goes over signs and symptoms of the development of post traumatic stress disorder and complex trauma, how people excuse the warning signs and what happens when the bucket gets too full.
$20,000.00 training including travel fees and follow up.

Sexual assault crimes and saving youth and young adults.
This is a training provided by both law enforcement and Missi. A deep dive into how society normalizes sexual assault crimes, consequences of choices, how to protect yourself and options if worst case scenario happens.
$20,000.00 training including travel fees and follow up.
Get a Free Quote
For more information and booking inquiries, contact Missi at